How Long Are Cats Pregnant?

How Long Are Cats Pregnant

If you’re wondering how long cats are pregnant, this article will cover the facts about this amazing feline pregnancy. Felines are capable of giving birth for 63 to 65 days. Learn about the gestation period, signs of pregnancy, nutritional needs of pregnant cats, and how much weight your cat will gain during pregnancy. Also learn about the benefits of allowing your feline to carry a litter! So, sit back and enjoy this fascinating article!

Cats are known for being self-sufficient, independent and mysterious. Aside from dogs, cats are considered man’s best friend. There are many mysteries surrounding the feline family that have lingered for more than a hundred years, some of which are explained below. This article aims to clear up some of the commonest questions about cat pregnancy.

How Long Are Cats Pregnant
How Long Are Cats Pregnant

Feline pregnancy lasts 63 to 65 days

Feline pregnancy is a short gestation period, lasting approximately 63 to 65 days. In the first trimester, the cat may show signs of restlessness, abdominal discomfort, or refusal to settle down. If the final set of membranes has not passed, the cat may have a brownish vaginal discharge. During examination, you may also find a raised temperature and a lumpy area in the womb. A veterinarian may prescribe a medication known as prostaglandin F2-alpha to induce the expulsion of retained membranes. If your cat’s pregnancy is premature, emergency spay may be necessary.

Symptoms of feline pregnancy

If you’ve gotten your feline friend pregnant, the symptoms of pregnancy are quite obvious. Your cat’s belly will become large around 30 days after mating. She’ll also have enlarged nipples, and her nipples will become red and swollen for the first two or three weeks of pregnancy. She may also have morning sickness, which may include vomiting and lack of appetite. You should take your kitty to the vet to rule out pregnancy. Morning sickness is another symptom, and it’s caused by the hormonal changes occurring in the cat’s uterus. Your cat will also be very tired for the first few weeks, but the signs will fade.

Nutritional requirements of a pregnant cat

A pregnant cat’s nutritional needs are quite different from their usual diet. She needs more energy to produce and maintain a growing baby. Around the sixth week of pregnancy, she will begin pawing for food and gradually increase her daily food intake. During this time, her weight should increase by about 40 to 50%. Increasing her food intake should be a gradual process until delivery. If you notice a noticeable increase in your cat’s weight, it means that her food intake needs to be adjusted.

Weight gain during pregnancy

A pregnant cat will add around two to four pounds to her body weight, depending on the number of kittens she is carrying. She will also eat more often and more frequently. A cat’s belly will swell, which can be uncomfortable for both you and your cat. Luckily, you can spot the signs of pregnancy in your cat and take the necessary steps to care for your pet. Weight gain during pregnancy for cats is one of the most common signs of pregnancy, so here’s how to recognize your cat’s change in eating habits.

How Long Are Cats Pregnant
Symptoms of feline pregnancy

X-rays of a pregnant cat

A heavily pregnant cat is an obvious sign of pregnancy, with its belly shaved to reveal its enlarged udder and mammary blood vessels. These blood vessels crisscross the cat’s skin, supplying the uterus and the fetus. A pregnant cat may also exhibit appetite changes or show signs of other underlying issues, such as a urinary tract infection. X-rays will only reveal a skeleton about 40 days into the pregnancy. A veterinarian can feel a fetus as early as the 20th day of pregnancy, and can even look for skeletal anomalies that may require a veterinary evaluation.

In summary, cats can get pregnant quite young and are ready to go into heat quite often. They can continue to get pregnant multiple times in a year and kittens can be born multiple times in a year as well. Due to these facts, the commonly held idea among the general public that female cats are only fertile during certain seasons is false.

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