Best Things to Do in Amsterdam

Best Things to Do in Amsterdam

When visiting Amsterdam, you must visit the museums. The Rijksmuseum, Stedelijk Museum, and Anne Frank House are just a few of the museums you can visit. In addition, you can also check out the Van Gogh Museum and the St. Paul’s Cathedral. These museums are among the best in the world and will make your trip to Amsterdam even more interesting.

Amsterdam is the Netherlands’ capital, and has long been a cultural center. The city’s artistic heritage, elaborate canal system and narrow houses with gabled facades are legacies of the city’s 17th-century Golden Age. Its Museum District houses the Van Gogh Museum, works by Rembrandt and Vermeer at the Rijksmuseum and modern art at the Stedelijk. Cycling is key to the city’s character, and there are numerous bike paths with dedicated lanes that weave around pedestrians, trams and cars.

Anne Frank house

If you have ever visited Amsterdam, you should not miss the Anne Frank house. It is a popular tourist attraction with a lot to offer. Aside from the house itself, you can also shop for local products and visit chocolate shops. The house is located between the Prinsengracht canal and the Single canal. It attracts thousands of visitors each year.

If you love visiting history, the Anne Frank house is an essential stop on your itinerary. The house was home to a young Jewish girl during the Holocaust. Visiting the house is a moving experience that will help you understand how the Jews suffered. The house is open daily from 9:00AM to 9:00PM and on Saturdays, it is open until 10:00 PM. It is recommended that you visit the house early in the morning to avoid the long lines.

Best Things to Do in Amsterdam
Best Things to Do in Amsterdam

Van Gogh museum

The Van Gogh museum is a museum in Amsterdam dedicated to the artist Vincent van Gogh. It is located in the south of the city, in Museum Square, close to the Rijksmuseum and Concertgebouw. It is an ideal place to visit for anyone who loves art and Dutch history.

It is close to the Amsterdam Airport Schiphol and is accessible by taking the Amsterdam Airport Express. You can easily catch a shuttle from the airport to the museum. The museum has the world’s largest collection of Van Gogh artwork. You can see around 200 paintings, 500 drawings, and more than 700 letters by the painter.

The Van Gogh museum is one of the most popular attractions in Amsterdam. It attracts over two million visitors a year. It is best to arrive early to avoid long lines. It is also better to go during weekdays, when crowds don’t increase much. It is possible to book tickets online up to four months in advance. Once purchased, you will be able to access all permanent and temporary exhibitions.


The Rijksmuseum is an excellent museum to visit in Amsterdam. It offers guided tours and there is no need to worry about queuing. The museum features many beautiful paintings from the Dutch Golden Age. It is also open seven days a week and is accessible by public transport and canal boats.

The Rijksmuseum contains many masterpieces by Dutch artists, including Rembrandt. One of the most beautiful paintings is the 17th-century group portrait of the local militia. It was once described as ‘those of thunderous genius’, and it is the only painting in the museum that still stands in its original position.The museum also has other beautiful exhibits that are worth seeing. For example, the Our Lord in the Attic was inspired by a necessity. Historically, the city of Amsterdam was Roman Catholic, but the Reformation made it illegal for Catholics to practice their religion openly. The museum contains typical rooms, including a kitchen and bedroom. The rooms have been preserved as they were 300 years ago, and the colors are very different from the ones you see today.

Stedelijk museum

There are many things to do in Amsterdam, but visiting the Stedelijk museum is one of the most enjoyable. Located in the city center, this museum showcases some of the most exquisite paintings, sculptures, and modern art pieces from across the world. It is also one of the most popular destinations among tourists.

The Stedelijk Museum is the leading modern art collection in the world, containing works by masters such as Monet and Picasso. If you are looking for an afternoon out in Amsterdam, this is the place to go. The Stedelijk Museum is a great place to catch up on the latest art trends and exhibits.

You can enjoy art and culture by visiting the Stedelijk Museum, which is open seven days a week. You can purchase souvenirs from the museum store. The museum also has a restaurant that serves a three-course lunch and dinner.

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Keukenhof park

Keukenhof park is one of the most popular tourist attractions in Amsterdam, so you’ll want to make sure to visit at the right time. Weekends can be overcrowded, so try to visit on a weekday morning or early in the evening. Visiting in early spring will also ensure you avoid the crowds. The prettiest part of the park is around the windmill and pond.

The Keukenhof gardens are 30 minutes away from Amsterdam by train. During the flower parade, visitors can ride bicycles for free. It’s a good idea to bring a lock and put a visible marker on your bike to prevent theft.

Amsterdam is the best city to visit because of its rich history, which is apparent in all aspects of the city. It contains many art museums and landmarks that are still standing. Amsterdam is home to one of Europe’s largest, most important railway hubs, making it accessible by train from virtually everywhere in Europe. The city also has an impressive airport that makes for a fairly easy trip. There are many attractions in Amsterdam including; the world famous Van Gogh Museum, modern and classic art galleries, plenty of shopping opportunities and amazing restaurants where you can try out the local cuisine. You can explore Amsterdam’s rich history through its museums and educational institutions. Amsterdam is home to an impressive amount of landmarks and attractions that vary from historical to recreational.

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