It’s important to know when bears hibernate in Canada, as this is the time when bears give birth to their cubs. Hibernation is a time of rest for both the bears and their young, as well as for the predators, who hunt them for food. Bears hibernate in their dens, where they spend the cold months of the year. When bears are hibernating, their bodies are not able to process heat, so they must sleep. They also may need to feed on plants, which helps their digestive systems survive.
Black bears
Black bears are the most common bears in Canada. They can be found across the entire country, except for Prince Edward Island. While they are most often confused with grizzly bears, the two species are very different.
Black bears are opportunistic feeders, eating both plants and animals. Their diet is composed of about 75 percent plant matter, and five percent insects, birds, and other animal products.

They are also known to consume domestic livestock. This is mainly because of their strong sense of smell. However, their diet also varies from season to season.
During the summer, black bears feed on berries. In addition, they eat small mammals, eggs, and carrion. The animals’ weight varies from year to year, as does their size. It is estimated that a female black bear can produce up to three cubs during her lifetime.
Grizzly bears
When grizzly bears hibernate in Canada, they are storing up fat to survive the cold. The length of their hibernation depends on environmental conditions, and the amount of fat that the bear has stored. In general, grizzlies lose 15 to 30 percent of their body weight during hibernation.

Hibernation is triggered by seasonal food shortages. This is especially true during the winter. During their hibernation, grizzly bears reduce their respiration rate and heartbeat, as well as reducing their body temperature.
Grizzly bears are omnivores, and their diet includes salmon, ground squirrels, and ungulates such as deer and elk. Their large canines help them catch prey. They also have sharp claws for tearing apart rotten logs.

Grizzly bears are found throughout northern North America. They are federally endangered and are listed as threatened. It is estimated that less than 1,500 remain in the United States south of Canada. However, the population in the Northern Rockies and Glacier National Park is recovering.
Dens in Yellowstone National Park
When spring arrives, grizzly bears in Yellowstone National Park will emerge from hibernation. They will look for food and water. If they can find it, they will go out to seek out ungulates.

Bears will hibernate for up to five months. Depending on the weather and food sources, males will emerge first. Grizzlies may be aggressive when they leave their dens. Visitors should be cautious of their behavior.
Typically, grizzly bears will have two dens. One is a natural cavity and the other is an excavation. The entrance of the den is designed to minimize heat loss.
Grizzlies are extremely territorial. Their mothers are very suspicious of humans. Usually, an adult male grizzly occupies the best territory, while females with cubs are the least desirable.
Females give birth during hibernation
It seems harsh to give birth to a bear cub during hibernation. However, bears are better than most mammals at recycling nitrogenous wastes. This makes them better at avoiding catastrophic muscle loss.
During hibernation, female bears nurse their newborn cubs. These cubs grow rapidly. They are blind, toothless and weigh between eight and twelve ounces. The cubs stay with their mothers for two to four years.
Hibernation length is largely dependent on environmental conditions. Bears can enter and exit dens as early as five days after emergence. Depending on age and sex, male bears emerge from their dens in mid-March, while female bears with yearlings leave the den after one to three weeks.
Bears do not defecate during hibernation. Instead, they form anus plugs, which are a type of fecal plug made of dead intestinal cells and bedding material. Throughout the hibernation process, the heart rate drops from 50 beats per minute to less than 10 beats per minute.
Predation by bears
Brown bears, or Alces alces, are omnivores. They eat a variety of plant foods, including fruit, berries, insects, and carrion. During hibernation, brown bears lose about 40% of their body weight. The body temperature decreases from 38 degrees Celsius to 33 degrees Celsius.
Bears are opportunists and can be considered successful hunters. They are capable of detecting prey by smell and sound. They can also locate potential mates by using their scent.
They have a large head and chest, a short, stout tail, and large legs with five digits. Their ears are small and they have recurved claws.
They can walk on their hind legs for a short distance. They are good swimmers and climb trees. Some populations rely mainly on salmon, while others primarily feed on vegetation.